How to improve your heating system’s efficiency

enjoying a warm house

It’s winter, and that probably means your heating system is turned on most of the days now. And you are probably starting to fret about the upcoming energy bills. Well, you’re not alone.

According to the Galaxy Research study, nine out of ten Australian households are worried about their winter energy bill.* That means over 7.4 million households around the country are concerned about their heating costs, and rightly so.

In the average Australian home, heating and cooling account for up to 40% of household energy consumption.** This makes heating and cooling the largest energy user in the household at any time.

**Source: DEWHA 2008

It would seem then that the easiest way to save money this winter is by cutting down on heating. However, foregoing the heater and freezing yourself up doesn’t sound like a very viable option either.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to help improve your heating system’s efficiency, and, in doing so, lower energy costs.

1. Put on an extra jumper
Before you turn on the heater, try layering on some extra clothing. Seriously. Because sometimes, all you need may be another jacket instead of the heating system. During really cold days, warmer clothing may also mean that you won’t need to turn your heater up to stay comfortable, which leads us to the next point.

2. Don’t set your thermostat too high
For the best efficiency, it is recommended that you set your thermostat to between 18˚C and 20˚C. Turning your thermostat up by just 1˚C can potentially increase your bill by up to 10 percent. For more accurate reading, you should place your thermostat in the living area, away from draught and heat sources.

3. Only heat the areas you need
Instead of heating up the entire house when you don’t need to, try to minimise the space to be heated. For example, if everyone is in the living space, close the doors to the bedrooms so that the hot air does not flow to unused rooms. If you use a central or ducted heating system, check if you can have a zoning system installed.

4. Turn the heater off when not needed
Don’t keep the heating system on when you don’t really need it, like when you are asleep underneath thick blankets at night, or when you are out of your house. If you want your house to be warm and toasty the moment you are awake or step into the house, you can install a timer or programmable thermostat and set it to switch on a few minutes before you wake up or get home.

5. Reduce heat loss
Keep the curtains and blinds closed to prevent heat loss through your glass windows. Insulate the ceiling, walls and floors if needed, so that heat can be kept within. Also, try sealing gaps around windows and doors to stop draught from seeping into your home.

6. Maintain and service
Heaters need to be maintained for them to remain efficient. Check regularly to ensure your ducting has no air leaks so that you do not lose any heat to the ceiling or beneath the floor. If you use central heating, make sure the ducts are well-insulated. Also, clean air filters often, and service your heaters as required.

7. Choose a high efficiency heater
If you are planning to purchase a brand new heating system, choose a high efficiency one at the right size for your home. The heater’s energy rating label will show you its heating efficiency – the more stars in the label, the more efficient it is, the more money you will save in heating costs. The number in the energy consumption box shows the annual energy consumption. The lower the number, the better.

Dale Air offers multiple heating options to keep you comfortable throughout winter, from gas ducted heating to split systems. To find a heating system that is efficient and suitable for your home, call us today at 1300 301 665 or email